Recent Updates and Enhancements

At Main Street Sites we are constantly updating and improving our service.  Here are some of our recent updates and enhancements:


 2/7/2025  Tambourine slideshow images

New slideshow images for the Tambourine collection were added to the image repository.

 1/24/2025  Thumbnail images for your classes

This is a reminder that your class schedules can now incorporate logos, icons, pictures, etc. for each of your classes.  This can add some welcome color to your web pages.

Here's quick overview of how to do this:

  • Upload your class images to each of your Class Types at Setup > General > Class Types. We'll create the thumbnail images automatically.
  • Add a thumbnail column to your class schedule layout at Website > Settings > Named Layouts.  Find your class schedule layout in the list and edit it.  You'll need to add a new column at the bottom of the page.  You'll notice that the thumbnail image can be a link to the class detail page, registration page, etc.

To show your new class type picture on the class details page, go to Setup > Settings > Class Settings and set the "Show class images with class details and class type descriptions when available" setting. 

Classes can have their own individual images too. Those can be set on the "Additional info" tab for the class.

As always, let us know if you'd like any help with this.

 1/15/2025  DNS migration to Cloudflare

We are in the process of moving to Cloudflare as our primary DNS provider.  In the coming weeks we will be asking our website customers to update their domains to point to Cloudflare.   You'll see a message pop up with instructions to follow.

Using Cloudflare will improve overall security, decrease unwanted web traffic and protect your website from attacks.  Let us know if you'd like to start this process now.

Note: this only applies if you are a Main Street Sites website customer who maintains your own domain registration at GoDaddy,, etc.  

You are welcome to reach out to support now to start this process if you'd like to.

 1/10/2025  More support for multiple teachers

Attendance reports and online attendance interfaces have been updated to support multiple teachers per class.

Updates were applied to the payroll report, class summary report, class contacts report, daily schedule report, etc.


 1/3/2025  Installment plan links

Installment plan links were added to all fee displays to facilitate access to active installment plans.

 12/15/2024  Named layout filter sorting

The option to customize the sort order for items in class schedule filters was added.

 12/1/2024  New support for NMI Collect.js

Support for NMI transactions was updated to support their most recent interface (Collect.js) in order to ensure a secure and streamlined checkout experience for your families.

 9/15/2024  Multiple teachers on a class

It's now possible to add as many teachers as needed to a class.  There is an "advanced teachers/staff entry" link for this purpose next to the teacher when adding or editing a class.  

Additional teachers can be displayed throughout your account. This includes on order pages, on class schedules, calendars, etc.   Various reports and custom queries also support additional staff.  Each class still has a single primary teacher.  When you add an additional teacher to a class, your can indicate if it should appear on your web pages and notifications.

To add teachers to your class schedules, use the new column options for additional staff available in Named Layouts.

The ability to add additional teachers extends to teacher overrides at the class meeting level.  When you use these overrides they will be reflected in the payroll report.


 9/15/2024  Updates to enrollment labels

New support was added to allow printing a single label per class and to support the Avery 8160 label.

 9/15/2024  New privacy settings for EA customers

It is now possible to turn off all Google reCAPTCHA features, email open tracking and the Facebook / X share buttons.  This ability was requested by customers seeking to be compliant with EA privacy rules.

The reCAPTCHA setting can be found at Website > Site Options > Settings.

The email open tracking can be found in Setup > General > Settings.

The Facebook / X share buttons setting can be found at Website > Built-in Page > Class > Settings.

 9/1/2024  Additional custom fields added

The ability to add an additional 10 custom fields has been added.  The limit for fields of the "short text" type is now 20 instead of 10.  Custom fields are added by going to Setup > Advanced > Field Manager.

 6/1/2024  Enrollment confirmations

More alternate templates were added for the enrollment confirmations feature.

 6/1/2024  Enrollment Notifications

A new type of notification was added called Enrollment Notifications. This new notification lets you send out messages that include details about enrollments. 

These notifications are are similar to Enrollment Confirmations in how they are sent.  Anywhere a list of enrollments is shown, you can select any group of them and generate this notification. This notification also supports sending by SMS text when available.   Six alternate formats are included in addition to the default format.

 6/1/2024  More advanced custom fields

Custom fields now support creating a list with dependent values.  In other words, a custom field can ask the user to first pick from one list and then pick from a secondary list.

An example of this would be a field called "Where did you hear about us" that asks what media type and then offers a list of relevant publications:

 Where did you hear about us?    [  Online  ]v       [  Facebook  ]v

To make a custom field like this, choose the "Dependent List" option when creating a Short Text custom field.  The values are then entered like this to illustrate the dependencies:

      Local paper
      Church circular
      Farmers' Market
      County Fair


 6/1/2024  Additional level added for menus

Support for a third level of indentation has been added to our menu editor.  

For example -

    Enrolled Families
             Course Materials
                       Songs for small children
                       Coloring book pages 

Note: drag-and-drop sorting is not currently supported when a third level of menu is present.  We'll be adding additional support for this in a future release.

 3/4/2024  Cancelling Make-Ups

When your customers want to cancel a make-up on your website, they can now select from a list of their pending make-ups. 

They'll see this behavior if they have logged in before visiting the "Cancel Make-Up" page.  Users who have not logged in will continue to need to search for their make-ups before cancelling.

 3/4/2024  New Make-Up / Attendance integration

Your families can now schedule make-ups and mark absences at the same time.  New optional settings have been added to Setup > Settings > Make-Up Settings to support this.

When these new options have been activated, the process will look like this:

  • Your customer will need to select the class they will be missing based on their current enrollments. They can also select an absence that has already been marked for them, if any.
  • Then they can schedule the make-up.
  • Scheduling the make-up will mark them as absent if the class meeting they selected.

The new settings look like this.  By default they are disabled.  The first option turns on the new behavior. The other two options give you additional control over the process.

Scheduling make-ups when users are logged in

[    ]  Show a list of class meetings so users can mark future absences or reference a prior marked absence
[   ]  Users can only reference meetings and absences in currently active semesters when scheduling make-ups
[   ]   Allow make-ups to reference unexcused absences


Note: customers will need to log in on your website to use this feature.

Important: this is a new two-step process for scheduling a make-up.  It will be a different experience for your returning families. You may want to let them know about the change and/or be familiar with how it works yourself.


 3/1/2024  New Attendance Permissions

New attendance permissions were added for your user accounts.  By default, customer balances and customer last names are now hidden from online attendance and class attendance sheets.  

You can activate the new permissions for your users by going to Setup > Advanced > Users > Security Profiles.

 3/1/2024  Custom tabs for the Classes page

New settings have been added that allow you to add any component as an extra tab to your Classes page.  

This feature was added for people who would like to add make-up, demo or drop-in scheduler tabs to their classes page.   Up to three additional tabs can be added.

The settings for adding the tabs can be found at Website > Built-in Pages > Classes > Settings.  You'll need to create your components first at Website > Advanced > Component Vault if you don't have them already created.

 3/1/2024  Drop-down filter updates

The appearance and functionality of drop-down filters has been improved for all templates and designs.  A new filter type was added to support showing open classes only. Also, any time a filter only has one valid option, the filter is now hidden.

You can add or remove filters from your current layouts by going to Website > Settings > Named Layouts.

 3/1/2024  Custom enrollment statuses

You are now able to create your own enrollment statuses.  This will allow you to make your own categorization of enrollments for changes, following up, etc.  Custom enrollment statuses are supported in all queries and reports.

Custom enrollment statuses can be added by going to Setup > Settings > Class Settings.

Note: these custom statuses only apply to enrollments that do not take up a seat in your classes.  The only "counting" statuses for enrollments continue to be "Enrolled" and "Pending Enrollment."

 11/9/2023  New Music Together trademark handling

Automated MT trademark handling has been updated to include the last protected terms.  The current list includes the following:

- Music Together®
- Rhythm Kids® by Music Together®
- Rhythm Kids®
- Music Together®
- Family Favorites®
- Music Learning Supports All Learning®
- and the grownups who love them®
- Music and movement for babies, toddlers, preschoolers... and the grownups who love them®
- and the grownups who love them®
- Family Music Zone®
- Making the world a better place by making it more musical®
- A lifetime of music begins here®
- Family Music Zone®


Note: this handling can be disabled at the site level at Website > Site Options > Settings if needed.

 9/6/2023  New attendance option

The option to show student's current age has been added to the online attendance and the attendance report.

 9/6/2023  Named layout improvements

The class thumbnail has been added as an option to more layouts.  Button formatting in named layouts has been standardized and improved.

 9/6/2023  Customer Portal updates

Settings have been added for showing customer billing schedule and membership level.  Those new settings can be found at Website > Community > Portal > Settings.
